Lady of Shallot

Lady of Shallot

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Take Ten Paces!

So, the very first true post is about a word at the very beginning of the alphabet! A fitting opener. As I was scrolling through a list of obscure and obsolete words, the word "addorsed" jumped out at me. Literally this word is defined as "turned back to back in heraldry."

Of course, this word is so fascinating to me because I just love anything that has to do with heraldry - especially anything to do with heraldry in the Victorian age. I'm pretty certain my interest in this word means I am a bit of a freak because directly after being addorsed, two men walk ten paces and then try to shoot each other. Sounds like my idea of a great Sunday morning!

But, really, can you imagine a modern world where duels still exist. Talk about your population control. Every single incident of road rage would end in a duel at dawn. Instead of a man deciding to get out of his car at a stop sign and punching the woman in the car in front of him in the head, he'd get out and toss a glove at her and name the time and place. It would certainly solve some of the world's long lasting squabbles - maybe we could just let a coupld of the world's leaders go at it. I can see it now: Obama and some nasty world leader addorsed in the middle of a large field. They begin to walk ten paces a piece away from each other down an alleyway formed by the respective countries' heads of state. Suddenly, both swing around, extend their arms, and the silence of the morning is broken by the sound of.........semi-automatic handgun fire? Actually, I'm thinking more like lazer pistols. Que the sound of Star Wars lazer guns!

A fun thought to be sure.

Anyway, that's all for this post. I am now addorsed with bedtime. So, have a great day/evening/night, and farewell until the next post!

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